Bernard was always interested in the exceptionally beautiful and surprisingly intelligent Dolores. He imagined many times how he would put his hard cock in her mouth one day...Now it's finally time! He does an interview with Dolores, then asks her to suck his big black cock. Dolores is very obedient and will do what he asked. In the end, Bernard shoots a huge cumshot on her face, then he asks Dolores to delete this memory, as he wants to keep this secret to himself ;)
Bernard was always interested in the exceptionally beautiful and surprisingly intelligent Dolores. He imagined many times how he would put his hard cock in her mouth one day...Now it's finally time! He does an interview with Dolores, then asks her to suck his big black cock. Dolores is very obedient and will do what he asked. In the end, Bernard shoots a huge cumshot on her face, then he asks Dolores to delete this memory, as he wants to keep this secret to himself ;) FULL VIDEO:
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